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211 is a national 24/7 information and referral service to connect people with government and community-based, non-clinical health and social services to solve problems, answer questions or provide assistance. 211 services are available by phone, text, chat, email, and online search. All services are free and confidential. To access this service dial 211 from your phone or click the button below to link to online, text, email and online chat.
3-digit dialling codes reduce barriers to essential services.
The CRTC approves 3-digit dialling codes and requires phone and wireless companies across Canada to direct calls and texts to specific service providers. The following codes have been approved but may not implemented in all communities:
211 community information and referral services
311 non-emergency municipal government services
411 directory assistance to find a telephone number
511 roads and traveller information
711 message relay for telephone devices for the deaf
811 non-urgent health care advice and triage services
911 emergency police, fire and paramedic services
988 mental health and suicide prevention services
The Fare Share Food Bank in Campbellford provides food assistance to those in need, offers information about other services and encouragement, and provides emergency services when possible. Fare Share works with area churches and Northumberland United Way to offer this service. They are located at 28 Doxsee Ave S, Campbellford. They are open Wednesdays from 9:00 am to 11:30 am. Please bring identification with proof of address in Campbellford and surrounding area. Click the button below for details or if you wish to donate.
The Hastings/Roseneath Food Bank will provide approximately 4 days worth of food per month. They service clients in the Hastings, Roseneath and Trent Hills area. They are open the first 3 Tuesdays of each month from 1:00 to 2:30PM plus 6:30 to 8:00 PM (first 2 Tuesdays only). They are located downstairs at Trinity United Church, 3 Albert St. W. Hastings (entrance off the parking lot). They ask our Food Bank Clients to make an appointment by calling 705-761-9769. If you are ill, or unable to go to the Food Bank, please call 705-761-9769 and you may be able to make arrangements for delivery. Please see their website for more information.
The 7 Hills Community Pantry (Warkworth food bank) provides nutritional food, support and resources when times are hard and the cupboard’s looking bare. They are located at St. Paul’s United Church (side door), 60 Main Street, Warkworth. They are open Fridays from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. Please bring identification with proof of address in the K0K 3K0 postal code. Click the button below to visit their website for details on provisions supplied or if you wish to donate or volunteer.
Community Care Northumberland provides the Meals on Wheels program to help people with health and independence by providing nutritious and affordable meals to seniors living alone, adults with disabilities who are unable to shop for groceries or cook for themselves, and people recently discharged from an area hospital with limited/no help during their recovery. Meals on Wheels delivers hot and/or frozen meals and can accommodate several diet types. They have flexible service options with short and long-term service and automatic plans. Please visit their webiste to learn more.
Cornerstone provides a range of services to support women and families experiencing violence. The Cornerstone shelter provides a safe home-away-from-home while women and families are supported in planning their next steps. Skilled staff are available 24-hours a day to ensure women have the comforts of home they need, as well as counselling, information and connections to local resources.
Northumberland County works closely with local agencies to deliver housing stability and homelessness prevention initiatives in the community. View their website to connect to listings for emergency shelters, subsidized housing, and housing benefit programs.
Learn about provincial programs to help you have a safe and affordable place to call home. Read about Ontario community housing, supportive housing and programs for Indigenous people or survivors of domestic abuse or human trafficking.
If you have low to moderate income, you can apply for one of Northumberland County's Rent-Geared-to-Income (RGI) units. There are also spaces for seniors and people requiring wheelchair modified units. RGI assistance makes sure that a person or family does not pay more than 30% of its gross monthly income on rent. If you are eligible, your name will go on a waiting list when you apply. The waiting time will depend on the locations you picked on your application, the number of bedrooms you need and the turnover rate. To learn if you quality for RGI housing and how to apply please visit
Northumberland County’s safe, accessible emergency housing shelter for men and women over the age of 18. Transition House provides safe, dignified and supportive temporary housing, life skills and transitional support services to men and women over the age of 18 from Cobourg, Port Hope, Grafton, Colborne, Campbellford, Brighton, Hamilton Township, and Alderville. The service area includes all of Northumberland County.
Learn how you can get help paying for equipment and supplies through the Assistive Devices Program. The Assistive Devices Program (ADP) helps people with long-term physical disabilities pay for customized equipment, like wheelchairs and hearing aids. The ADP also helps cover the cost of specialized supplies, such as those used with ostomies. To qualify, you must be an Ontario resident, have a valid Ontario health card, have a disability requiring the equipment or supplies for six months or longer. Income is not considered for ADP.
Find information about income support, benefits for health costs and other disability supports from the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). ODSP offers: money to help you and your eligible family members with living expenses, including food, and rent; health benefits, including prescription drugs and vision care; employment support to help you find and keep a job or advance your career. If you are eligible for ODSP, the amount of money you get will depend on your specific situation. Visit their website to learn more or apply.
Get help paying for prescription drugs when you qualify for the Ontario Drug Benefit Plan. You will qualify for the Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) program when you turn 65 years old. You will qualify before you reach that age if you: live in a long-term care home, a home for special care or a Community Home for Opportunity; are 24 years of age or younger and not covered by a private insurance plan; are receiving professional home and community care services; are receiving benefits from Ontario Works or Ontario Disability Support Program or are enrolled in the Trillium Drug Program. Click her to learn more.
If you need financial assistance for food and housing, and are in financial need, you can apply for financial and employment assistance through Ontario Works. Ontario Works offers: money to help you and your eligible family members with living expenses, including food, and rent, health benefits for you and your eligible family members, employment supports to help you find and keep a job (such as workshops for resume writing, job counselling, job-specific training and basic education). If you are eligible for Ontario Works, the amount of money you get will depend on your specific situation.
The Northumberland Community Legal Clinic (NCLC) provides free and confidential legal advice, representation and assistance to low-income residents of Northumberland County. NCLC can help with tenants’ rights, the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), Ontario Works, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Employment Insurance (EI), Employment Standards, Ontario Human Rights Code and Criminal Injuries Compensation. Visit their website by clicking the button below or call 1-800-850-7882 (toll-free) or 905-373-4464.
THFHT formally recognizes the traditional keepers of this land and, specifically our neighbours of the Alderville First Nation, with a formal territorial acknowledgement. We reside on the Gunshot Treaty Lands of 1788. On these lands and on the shores of the big lake, the Mississauga Anishinabeg
(A-NISH-IN-NAW-BEK) met with the Crown to facilitate the opening of these lands for settlement. Let us be reminded of the responsibility we all have in making sure that we respect these lands and waters that give us life and sustain our livelihoods.
2SLGBTQIA+ Being an equALLY to all is a core value at THFHT where we honour difference, celebrate self-expression, and provide safe spaces that value trust, respect and confidentiality.
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